Saturday, July 24, 2010

'Twas a Dark and Stormy Night

Missing our NYS Thruway exit at Route 14 in last night’s rain storm... I angrily continued on to the Route 21 exit...

As Eileen made a seemingly inane comment about things happening for a reason and that we must be meant to take Route 21 north home to Pultneyville... I chalked it up to various reasons... The late hour... The long and harrowing drive home through the storm… The humidity... The fried bar food we had called dinner... Take your pick...

Leaving the toll booth and turning north onto Route 21 and following the signs towards Palmyra, NY... The sense of the inevitable filled the car... Rain continued to pour down, hydro-blasting the windshield of bugs and road tar as the wind buffeted the car I struggled to keep it on the dark road... Illuminated only by the great bolts of lightening crashing all around us...

Rounding a bend in perfect sequence with a lightening strike... We saw the reason we were meant to take Route 21 north home through Palmyra through the rain driven glare of our headlights...

Coming to a stop on the now dark and deserted road... Jumping from the car and we both ran ahead in the road... There in there middle of the road were several tablets...
...To be continued