Sunday, May 25, 2014

Idios Idaho

Needing to put some coherent thoughts down for a few days now… I am sitting here struggling to start the word flow like an old guy with prostate problems struggles to start a piss…

Almost always the blog title comes first and I write from there… It’s not the case today… We’ll see what title comes when I’m done…

Leaving Tuesday night for a few days in Vegas, then Laughlin, NV over the weekend and Pinetop, AZ next Monday… Continuing to work on putting together a “Biker Bar” tour June – October around already booked work and an invite to the Ventura Comedy Festival in August and September…

As the calendar fills… Another decision looms… My apartment lease runs out the end of July and despite the disappointment it may bring to the ladies of Idaho Falls… I think it’s time to move… It’s time to move out of the comedy Siberia of southeast Idaho… Time to plant myself where there’s real and regular opportunities to perform…

So the discussion centers on where to go and the pros and cons of several places on my list… In no particular order…

Salt Lake City… Yes, there’s a lot of Mormons there… But there is also the big city diversity offered not found in Idaho Falls… There are certainly many more opportunities to perform than in Idaho Falls… But does it significantly cut down on the distance needed to drive for out of town gigs??? I don’t believe it does…

Vegas… Many opportunities to perform… Relatively much shorter drives to gigs in California, Arizona and New Mexico… Similar to Idaho it also offers the dry climate I prefer without the frigid winters… Unless I am on the road… I’d be able to blog from my hammock year round… I’ll spend some time there this week researching pet friendly apartments…

Seattle… The comedy scene on the northwest coast in Washington and Oregon is a happening scene… So there would seem to be many opportunities to perform there… The weather isn’t dry, but the winters are fairly mild… Of course, other things could place Seattle “higher” on the list…

Denver… While not really the mid-west it does put me somewhat closer to gigs in Middle-America… The local and surrounding area does provide ample opportunities to perform… The winters are a bit colder than Seattle’s but not as harsh as those in Idaho or the northeast… And just like Seattle… Other things could place Denver “higher” on the list…    

California always sounds nice… But cost of living… Population density… Traffic… Make it a nice place to visit… But I don’t think I want to live there…

Northeast (NY)… Again… The cost of living… Taxes… Intrusive state government… Horrible winters... And swarms of insects to battle during the humid summers… Makes the northeast also a nice place to visit… But I KNOW I don’t want to live there…

Southern Mid-West… Ample opportunities to perform in a significant radius… Certainly less harsh winters than Northern Mid-West… But heading towards the humidity and insects of the eastern seaboard…

Southeast… Lots of opportunity to perform… Mild to no winters… Humidity and insects every summer…

So there’s a lot to think about and some personal pros and cons not listed here… Decision time is looming… Not moving would only be considered if there’s so much road work booked I don’t have time to move…

Oh and this blog title… “Idios Idaho”…