Thursday, August 21, 2014

Underway on Nuclear Power

My newest project... A video blog of our next adventure... Struggling with finding a name for it… I finally decided aptly on "Underway on Nuclear Power"… 

As I leave behind the mistake of moving to Idaho Falls, ID by loading my three National Labs… Riley, JJ and Simon into my RV to pursue my comedy dreams...  It can be followed at 

Leaving Idaho Falls a week ago today, we’ve been visiting friends in northern Utah for a week…

Three dogs and myself in a 28ft RV… It’s a good thing I was a submariner… It’s cramped and sometimes it doesn’t smell good in here… Yes… I’m hot racking with my dogs… If anyone wants to donate a klaxon we’d put it to good use and give you a shout out here on the blog…

If I showed you the outside of the RV… You would probably say we need a collision alarm more than a klaxon…

We’ll be leaving for Ventura, CA sometime tonight… Opting to drive during the cooler temps of the desert nights… At least there won’t be fog in the bilges and we will also avoid the Salt Lake City traffic… Google maps says it’s a 12.5hr drive… Not expecting to set any speed records in a 1994 RV, partly held together by duct tape… I know it’s going to take longer…

Scheduled for a preliminary round of the Ventura Comedy Festival Competition at 7pm on Sunday August 31st… I’d love to see you in the audience if you’re in town… Hit me up to get on my guest list…

September promises to be interesting as I have submitted to numerous casting calls for movie extras and Reality TV… While spending my nights garnering as much stage time as possible… The end of the month will hopefully find me in the Ventura Comedy Contest Semi-Finals and I’m already booked for a spot as part of the Ventura Comedy Festival in the Road Warrior show Friday September 26th at 10pm…

Seems fitting… But with three dogs and myself in a 28ft RV… We can’t fit much more in here… Road Warriors??? Yes… I’d say we are…

October will find us back on the road to various destinations, much more adventure and maybe a semi-permanent residence… Stay tuned here for updates… I’ll try to post a video at least once each week…  We’d like to consider everyone out there as part of the “crew”…

Monday, August 18, 2014

Don't Let The Curtain Go Down On Me

Following up last week’s blog…

With one more and several links to others… One written almost one year ago while camping in the Idaho desert alone with my boys…

Sadly mentioning the death of a friend at 52yrs old in that blog… My life was also touched by the death of a good friend’s sister at 48yrs old while I was writing that blog and another close friend at 58yrs old, a brother fire fighter from my days as a volunteer in Pultneyville, NY, less than a week later…

Life has been crazy, busy and full of change since writing that blog last year… So I hadn’t given much thought to the significance of those events until this past week…

Then I read this… by my friend Jerry Corley... I will quote it here... 
At first I refused to believe it. Like a lot of comedians, I had worked with Robin several times. I even drove him in a limousine every day for a couple of weeks early in my career, when I was cutting down my road work to try to save my marriage.
I remember Robin said to me, “Save your marriage? F*@k your marriage. Save your life!”
Most of those who know me… Know I had moved to Idaho to take a job at the Idaho National Laboratory to try to save my marriage… 12hr rotating shift work and an hour bus ride to and from the Idaho desert… 14hrs day or night to sit and watch my life slowly and unhappily ebb away… Yeah, I was the bad guy… I’m sure she told those of you who know her…

Determined not to go out like that… My divorce from my executioner was already final when I wrote last year’s blog and I was just a few months away from walking away from the death sentence of that job…

As irony would have it… She was the one who called to tell me of the death of our friend Dan, my fellow fire fighter… Sad with the news… I asked her… “Do you finally understand now??? Do you finally understand I would have been willing to die to escape the death sentence of that job… That life… Why did it take three deaths for you to finally get it???”

Never one to accept anything but her own sainthood… She didn’t like the question because she didn’t like the answer…

Yes… This past year has been full of changes… Some hard… Some uncomfortable… There are lots of unknowns… But I’m headed to where I’m supposed to be… I understand the mistakes of the past much better now…

I have no intention of letting the curtain go down on me…

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Holy Mangi Ming-ya

Not a character this time, but an event featuring some characters already introduced (Stefano Ming-ya, our stories hero and Nana Ming-ya, his beloved Italian Grandmother) and of course, some new characters and anti-heros to make the story interesting.

Ascending the steps leading from her extra kitchen, in the catacombs of her basement, Nana Ming-ya is excited today. Her grandson, Stefano Ming-ya is planning a visit with some of his friends from the Catholic High School, they all attend. 

Preparing her standard massive amounts of food in anticipation of their arrival, she did not have long to wait.  Soon the car full of Catholic High School teenagers pulled in to the driveway of Nana and Papa Ming-ya's hilltop home. Music blaring and smoke billowing from the windows, the teenagers emerged from the car red eyed, laughing hysterically and hungry. Happy that they seemed to be having so much fun, Nana Ming-ya never thought of asking about the sweet smoke aroma that they were all covered with.

As they sat down to eat, Nana implored them with the standard exortation to eat, Mangi, mangi !!!!

Not needing any further encouragement, the teenagers dug right in, shoveling huge amounts of homemade pasta and meatballs, Italian bread and butter, sausage and peppers and many other delights into their mouths, attempting to quell the severe case of the 'munchies' that had beset them.

Nana Ming-ya just sat back, marveled at their exuberance and continued to encourage them with, Mangi, mangi!!!!

As bowl after bowl of homemade Italian delights was greedily devoured, Nana Ming-ya began to worry.

Do not these youngsters eat? She wondered to herself as she served up another bowl of pasta. Her exhortations were beginning to dwindle when she finally screamed, Holy Mangi Ming-ya!!!!!  I thinka you boys eata too much!!!! 

Snapped from the trance like state in which they had been eating, at the sound of Nana Ming-ya's screams, the Catholic High School boys realized that yes, their bellies were full. So after many thank you’s and compliments to Nana Ming-ya's cooking, the teenage boys left in search of further adventure, Catholic High School be continued. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Thanks Mom...

It’s been a few days now and many things have been written and said about the tragic passing of Robin Williams… I have provided links to several articles and quotes from each… I found them all to be very interesting, introspective and sadly relatable… 

I urge everyone to read them and not to skip ahead to something I wrote many years ago about an incident in my own life… An incident almost forgotten, but remembered with pride upon reading these articles…

Sure enough, according to their book Pretend the World Is Funny and Forever, the analyses revealed that most of the comedians grew up in chaotic households with critical, indifferent mothers, leading them to become obsessed with notions of good and evil, angels and demons. As the Fishers note in their book, “We would propose that a major motive of comedians in conjuring up funniness is to prove that they’re not bad or repugnant. They are obsessed with defending their basic goodness.”
“I'm not saying anything science doesn't already know, by the way. Find a comedian, and you'll usually find somebody who had a shitty childhood.”

Read more:

“Comedy is a strange beast in that sense. Our job is joy. We make people laugh. For a brief time, we allow the audience to escape from their lives through laughter. We are jesters to the kingdom of life. Yet, so many times, that joy that we provide is masked in tragedy and comes with a price. The stereotype is that comics are fucked up in the head. We're crazy. We're nuts. We're full of tragedy. Our lives must have been fucked up. And I'll be damned if that stereotype doesn't ring true a lot of the time. We're the sad clowns of the world. All of the greats that you have seen come and go were fucked up. Drug addictions, alcoholism, destructive behavior...why? Because we are destructive. We thrive on adrenaline rushes and chaos. And we do it because we have something inside us that needs it. Was it a shitty upbringing? Did we get our asses kicked as kids? Did we get bullied? Have we been fucked by the world around us? Whatever the tragedy is, we find it and make all of you laugh at it. We bottle it down and turn it into humor. It is a coping mechanism that affectively bottles the emotions away at the same time. It is a vicious cycle that, often times, ends in an ultimate tragedy.

“Comics are fucked up people. That's just a fact. We ball up our "mess," write jokes about it, and we get on stage with it seeking love, acceptance, and connection from total strangers. There is nothing normal or sane about who we are or what we do. We comics, just like everyone else, deal with our lives and our shit in different ways, as best we can...”

Ming-ya!!! Were You Sleepin’??? 

It’s been many years now since we’ve spoken… And though that isn’t going to change… I’d like to say here… Thanks, mom…

I don’t wish you dead… Every day you’re alive is another day you suffer the inglorious truth that your now adult children don’t speak to you and honestly hate you… Death doesn’t scare those who have lived a good life… The fact that’ll you will die someday scares the hell out of you…

The fact that you die without six friends to carry your box means they’ll have to bounce it down the church steps… You’re in for a bumpy ride to hell…   

I’ve got a bottle of laxative just waiting for the day I shit on your grave… I want it really liquid, so it soaks right down to your box…

The harm you meant to cause is going to make me famous… Didn’t plan on that did you???

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How Did I Get Here???

“When we change the way we look at things… The things we look at change… “
Dr. Wayne Dyer

Stress… It had become the suit I woke up in, wore all day and slept in at night… A boring and unattractive outfit… I had almost given up any hope of wearing anything else…

“Would you be willing to go talk to someone???” Asked my attorney a little over a year ago during a meeting in his office…

An ungrateful and unreasonable soon to be ex-wife on the speaker phone… Unaware someone else was listening and totally unaware of how unattractive her own outfit of candy, potato chips and drama had become… She clung to the belief that she really was the joy to live with that she wanted everyone else to believe she was…

Sensing I had had enough as the phone conversation came to an end… He asked again… “Would you be willing to go talk to someone???” While handing me a piece of paper he had written a name and number on…

Texting the number upon my return home… I had nothing to lose, but the stress which was slowly killing me… An appointment made… With no clue as to what to expect… I met a wonderful woman Margo Plum who has become a counselor and friend… The weight slowly began to be lifted from my shoulders… The stress I had been wearing slowly changing to a belief my world could be anything I wanted it to be… And filled with whatever I wanted to fill it with…

Slowly learning the Law of Attraction… Taking responsibility for not only creating the life I truly want… But also responsibility for filling my life with the things and stress I didn’t want… Never having truly understood (“knowing”) how our thoughts and words create our reality… I had attracted many things and the stress that came with them that I never wanted…

Discussing here the how’s and whys of attracting a lifetime of poor decisions, bad dating choices and the failed relationships they led to, self-sabotage following good decisions and negative energy would rapidly turn this blog in a direction it needs not to go…

This needs to be a positive discussion of the good things finally manifesting in my life now… Things that I am only now realizing I had no idea I was speaking into life many, many years before… Yes, I’m old…

Many of my faithful readers and others have heard how I always felt standup was something I could do… How as an 18yr old and above, I had frequented comedy clubs and thought what an awesome thing it would be to do it for a living (I didn’t know then the pay pretty much sucks)… But despite those thoughts and feelings I had never taken the steps to act on them except to routinely be the “life of the party guy”… More on this later…

They’ve also heard how then “life got in the way”… Enlisting and spending 9yrs in the Navy followed by what eventually would be more than 20yrs in the commercial nuclear power industry… During which I endured several failed marriages and numerous shitty relationships, the result of previous mentioned bad dating choices…

Through it all, though I had yet to be on stage, comedy was my relief… “Venting” to my buddies at work became my therapy… Their laughter medicine to my soul… Then one day in 2002 seeing an article in the Rochester, NY newspaper about an open mic, I decided to go… It was a wild night and the start of what’s been an even wilder ride… There’s been some stops and starts… The comedy train may have even jumped the tracks more than once… But that first night had me hooked…

I’ve told jokes all over the country… 40 states and if you count my time in the Navy… Several countries… I think those countries hate America now… 

But in a moment of clarity just the other evening during some quiet time sitting outside with my boys… Maybe it was the universe reassuring me as the boys and I prepare for our next big adventure… Those times as the “life of the party guy” came to mind… Times I had not thought about for many, many years… Yes, I’m old…

As we sat facing west and watching the sunset… While the “life of the party guy” video played in my mind… The Law of Attraction became real in an astonishing way…

Things I said many, many times as a “joke” then many, many years before began to echo in my ears… Bouncing off the walls of the deep recesses of my empty head… Things I had said aided by youth’s ability to drink excessively and recreational drug use…

The times I had met some groans from my “party” audience with… “Hey, lots of people pay good money in Vegas to see the entertainment you’re getting for free…”

Or “I don’t care how far I have to go to tell a joke… I love to hear people laugh.”

And “Someday you’ll be sitting at home in bed watching Johnny Carson (I told you I was old) and I’ll be guest hosting The Late Show…”

I haven’t locked down that guest host gig yet… But in a “How did I get here???” moment… The universe told me… I manifested it… I didn’t know I was doing it then and all the misfortunes during the almost 30yrs when “life got in the way”… Weren’t really misfortunes… They were the universe getting that life out of the way…

Out of the way for the manifestation of things I unknowingly put in motion during my late teens and 20s… Yes, I’ll say it again… Aided by youth’s ability to drink excessively and recreational drug use…

It has been an eye opening realization that couldn’t have come at a better time… As the boys and I are less than 3 weeks away from leaving Idaho… We will be loading up the RV and heading to California for the Ventura Comedy Festival the end of August and September… We’ll be in California for a month before heading to Lake Havasu City, AZ… Laughlin, NV (Laughlin Laugh Fest) and another return engagement in Pinetop, AZ (My 4th time there) the first week of October…

I have been submitting to casting calls and auditions to make the best possible use of my time while in California… Who knows maybe I’ll be headed right back there by the end of October… If I’m not headed back there then… Well, we will just have to see what the universe has in store for us… Lots of doors are starting to open and there are a host of possible destinations…

I mentioned in a status update a few days ago I had submitted to be an extra in “Fast and Furious 7” because “lots of people would pay good money” to see me blown up… Well, maybe not lots… But at least my ex’s…

The boys and I will be living in our RV during this leg of our adventure… I’ll be using public transportation as often as possible in California… And also posting a video blog to document as much of it as possible… I hope all of you will follow along and tell your friends and family to as well…

I’m trying to find a name for this leg of the adventure… But right now I can’t even think of a name for this blog… Any suggestions???

How did I get here??? Many years ago… Long before ever hearing anything about the Law of Attraction… Aided by youth’s ability to drink excessively and recreational drug use… I Manifested My Destiny… I’m right where I was always supposed to be… What a mind blowing and reassuring realization…