Monday, March 5, 2012

More Than Air!!!

18 months into the self-imposed exile to comedy Siberia…

Things are slowly starting to change… Recent successes in Burley and Idaho Falls are buoying my hope that there are people here unafraid of the truth… People fed up with milk and cookies… People starved for big people entertainment and an open window of fresh air to blow away the stale church air that hangs heavy over this city and its surrounding communities…

It’s been a battle to find them… Allies… Brothers in arms… And it’s been an honor to entertain them…

Building on the successful opening night in Burley… We’ve booked a 2nd comedy night the end of the month in the same venue… I’m currently looking for the right two comics to do the show…

Behind the scenes there have been moments of intense frustration… Unreturned phone calls, unanswered emails and worst of all… Time wasted, at least two out of the last 3-4 weekends, battling computer problems which could have been spent running down new venues or working on material… A constant challenge for every comic…

I’ve heard that the closer one is to victory the harder the battles can become… Maybe it’s the universe testing our resolve… Questioning how bad we really want to win… How bad do I want to win??? How bad do I want this comedy dream to become reality???

I ain’t wasting any more time… I want it more than I want my next breath fresh of air!!! I’ll have it or die trying…