It’s been a few days now and many things have been written
and said about the tragic passing of Robin Williams… I have provided links to
several articles and quotes from each… I found them all to be very interesting,
introspective and sadly relatable…
I urge everyone to read them and not to skip
ahead to something I wrote many years ago about an incident in my own life… An
incident almost forgotten, but remembered with pride upon reading these
Sure enough, according to their book Pretend
the World Is Funny and Forever, the analyses revealed that most of the
comedians grew up in chaotic households with critical, indifferent mothers, leading them to become obsessed with
notions of good and evil, angels and demons. As the Fishers note in their book,
“We would propose that a major motive of comedians in conjuring up funniness is
to prove that they’re not bad or repugnant. They are obsessed with defending
their basic goodness.”
“I'm not saying anything science doesn't already know, by the way. Find a comedian, and you'll usually find
somebody who had a shitty childhood.”
Read more:
Read more:
“Comedy is a strange beast in that sense. Our job is joy. We
make people laugh. For a brief time, we allow the audience to escape from their
lives through laughter. We are jesters to the kingdom of life. Yet, so many
times, that joy that we provide is masked in tragedy and comes with a price.
The stereotype is that comics are fucked up in the head. We're crazy. We're
nuts. We're full of tragedy. Our lives must have been fucked up. And I'll be
damned if that stereotype doesn't ring true a lot of the time. We're the sad
clowns of the world. All of the greats that you have seen come and go were
fucked up. Drug addictions, alcoholism, destructive behavior...why? Because we
are destructive. We thrive on adrenaline rushes and chaos. And we do it because
we have something inside us that needs it. Was it a shitty upbringing? Did we
get our asses kicked as kids? Did we get bullied? Have we been fucked by the
world around us? Whatever the tragedy is, we find it and make all of you laugh
at it. We bottle it down and turn it into humor. It is a coping mechanism that
affectively bottles the emotions away at the same time. It is a vicious cycle
that, often times, ends in an ultimate tragedy.”
“Comics are fucked up people. That's just a fact. We ball up our
"mess," write jokes about it, and we get on stage with it seeking
love, acceptance, and connection
from total strangers. There is nothing normal or sane about who we are or what
we do. We comics, just like everyone else, deal with our lives and our shit in
different ways, as best we can...”
Ming-ya!!! Were You Sleepin’???
It’s been many years now since we’ve spoken… And though that
isn’t going to change… I’d like to say here… Thanks, mom…
I don’t wish you dead… Every day you’re alive is another day
you suffer the inglorious truth that your now adult children don’t speak to you
and honestly hate you… Death doesn’t scare those who have lived a good life…
The fact that’ll you will die someday scares the hell out of you…
The fact that you die without six friends to carry your box means
they’ll have to bounce it down the church steps… You’re in for a bumpy ride to
I’ve got a bottle of laxative just waiting for the day I shit
on your grave… I want it really liquid, so it soaks right down to your box…
The harm you meant to cause is going to make me famous… Didn’t
plan on that did you???