Friday, February 8, 2013

Midnight on the Water

With annual job performance reviews out this week... I thought I would use last night's midnight shift to drop my sails and take some time for reflection and an annual self assessment...

It's been a turbulent personal year... Finally admitting last year, about this same time, that making believe I was happy aboard a rudderless ship had to come to an end... I had heard the siren calls to a lonely sailor and steered the ship way off course... I was getting nowhere fast, rudderless, bow turned into a strong head wind... The sails needed to be adjusted and quick the ship was taking on water fast and headed for the rocks...

I've sailed some rough seas in the process of turning the ship around and I'm sure there may be a few more storms to sail through, but in finally determining where I wanted to go, a course has been charted towards the fair and now not as distant shores of the stage lights on the horizon...

I'm not there yet... But last night’s self-assessment has helped adjust the sails... And will help keep me from again steering too far off course... I know what I want and I am happy for the opportunity to pursue those dreams... Sometimes though there's a need to zoom out and look at the whole map... Not just the zoomed in "you are here" gps screen to realize… “Hey, I don’t need any detours…”

Feeling a bit depressed last night over some current events and not having something I felt I needed or maybe have been wanting... I realized... “Hey, that wasn't on the list of things I asked for last year...”

I realized I am right smack dab in the middle of what I asked for... There isn’t time to take the scenic route… I tried it… It doesn’t take me where I want to go…

All I need to do is keep my eyes on the horizon, adjust the sails and keep steering towards the fair winds and following seas... There are some buoy markers to sail past and around yet and some additional course corrections will have to be made as I sail past them... Some will bring choices on which way to steer the ship... Thought and reflection will be needed to pick the right course... But staying alert, to the process of reaching those markers will easily help determine the course to steer when those decisions need to be made...

The current goal is to book as much comedy road as possible and to attend every comedy festival between now and this year’s World Series of Comedy this September in Vegas… After which other decisions can be made… Full time road comic… Or open my own club smack dab in this hot bed of assholes who can’t take a joke… Idaho Falls… Thanks Chris Speyrer of Mason City Limits for planting that seed…

I'm refreshed and ready to set the sails for the course I'm determined to steer... Straight into the bright comedy stage lights...