Friday, December 26, 2014

A Follow Up To Christmas Eve Visit From Harbor Patrol

P Hummer (Harbor Patrol Supervisor)

This past August 2014 while still living in Idaho Falls, ID… I began packing limited possessions as space allowed into my 28ft RV for my trip to Ventura, CA. Planning to travel there with my 3 dogs to take part in the Ventura Comedy Festival this past September…

Arriving in late August and falling in love with life on the beach… The Comedy Festival long since over… My dogs and I are still here… I’ve taken a part time security job at a Ventura Harbor marina… We’ve made many new friends and been embraced by a beach community of troubadours, musicians and misfits… Many different people with different backgrounds and different stories all leading to a place of common ground… The beach…

It’s an idyllic life… ALMOST…

What leads people to resent it??? To lash out against it??? I fall short of the words as I also fall short of explaining their possible reasons why… Why some… Unhappy with their own miserable existence would make false charges against people they don’t even know… Troupadours, musician and misfits happily living their lives… This could be discussed without answers for hours…  

Experiencing this personally Christmas Eve morning… I was “visited” by the Ventura Harbor Patrol at approximately 930am, while legally parked on Spinnaker Road at the Channel Islands National Park, in response to a “call” they allegedly received that my dogs were running unattended, unsupervised and defecating… While I allegedly ignored cleaning up after them…

While I have no way of confirming the alleged call was actually received… I can confirm that I was confronted by a Harbor Patrolman who had already decided the charges were correct… Guns blazing and in my face… Threatening to kick me out of the park… I quote… “We’ve kicked people out of here before… We can do it again”… Though I was legally parked and no dog droppings were found in the area of question… I was “just another dirt bag living in an RV at the beach”… 

Let me now take the time to set some things straight… Since your Harbor Patrolman neglected to take the time to find anything out about me… His mind already made up that I was a “just another dirt bag living in an RV at the beach”…

I am a 9yr US Navy submarine veteran… I’ve walked on the Polar Ice Cap (It’s not melting, btw), crossed the International dateline, swam at the equator in the Indian Ocean and seen the Rock of Gibraltar while standing topside on a submarine transiting into the Mediterranean Sea… I’ve transited the Panama Canal and travelled all across the world…

After serving I enjoyed a more than 20yr career as an operator at a nuclear reactor plant in Upstate NY… They don’t give those jobs to “dirt bags”… Following my career there… I enjoyed another 7 plus years on the road as a contractor at nuclear power plants all across this country… Including the Idaho National Laboratory… They don’t give those jobs to “dirt bags” either…

During my working career I also served as a volunteer fireman… Serving one year as Company President and another as Assistant Chief… “Dirt Bags” don’t do those jobs either…

During my 7 year stretch as a contractor I also began pursuing my dream of performing standup comedy and thus eventually arriving here for the Ventura Comedy Festival as previously stated this past August…

I am now 58 years old… Having earned my right to take an early retirement… I am pursuing a dream… Part of which is living and travelling in my RV with my 3 dogs… Being unfairly judged about a choice I earned the right to make was/is NOT part of that dream…

While I now regret not committing his name to memory… What has the Harbor Patrolman in question done in his life that gives him the right to unknowingly judge mine??? While I understand that he’s required to follow up on every call… I would expect it to be done professionally… Not with his badge out in front of his bigoted, prejudiced and judgmental attitude towards “just another dirt bag living in an RV”…

While I also completely understand his very possible lack of job satisfaction chasing down dog turd complaints… Maybe he should have chosen a different career… His lack of satisfaction gives him no right to drive around bothering people…

I understand and hopefully I am correct that this individual represents only himself and not your entire department… But while wearing the uniform and performing his duties… He does represent your whole department…

For your added information a copy of this email has also been sent to the Ventura County Star and Ventura County Reporter…

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter… I would hope no one is ever to be treated like this by anyone in your department again…

Steve Natarelli
