Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Desert Nights

Originally planning to work on editing old blogs and short stories for my book while on last weekend’s adventure into the Idaho desert… It was immediately obvious that rehashing old stories while living a new adventure just wasn’t going to happen…

While the laptop containing all the old stories had been brought along… The desert dust convinced me it might be a better idea not to take it from the back pack… A pen and paper it would be… Sometimes old ideas are the better ideas…

Though testing fine the night before we left… RV generator problems also meant I would have been limited by laptop battery life… Luckily I had plenty of ice to keep food and beer cold since the RV fridge wasn’t running correctly without the generator, either…

Riley had reminded me earlier that Lewis and Clark crossed the country with no generators, refrigerators or propane stoves… I could still cook food so our adventure continued…

While two solar powered spot lights lit up the area outside the RV… It was eerily quiet each night… The boys breathing and the sound of my pen scratching across the paper in the lantern light the only sounds…

We were alone in the wilderness… Back east the wilderness always meant forest… Here there are no trees to be seen for as far as the eyes can see… 

The smell of sage brush crushed by the tires of the RV is one of the most awesome smells in the world… 

Beautiful desert flowers I have dug up to plant in a pot at home… Are safer than some of my poisonous relationships… Looked nice… But should never have touched…

Sitting outside in a camping chair darkness surrounding me… It’s a different kind of stage… But just like stand-up comedy… I was on it alone… The light of the lantern acting as the stage spotlight… Desert moths dancing in the light are the only hecklers at these shows…

The magnificent night sky fills with stars in the darkness… Like candles on show room tables they are the only thing I can see staring into the sky… The place is packed every night…

The road comic adventure is beginning again in earnest…

My last day at the Idaho National Lab is November 21st… My notice has been given… The decision immediately questioned... Tragically confirmed in my own mind by the sudden death at 52 of a Facebook friend I had never met… I’m 57 and I’m going to go out doing what I want…

It requires no more discussion…

A keg in the corner and a two drink minimum… My DVD on loop on a big screen TV at my wake…  Play Dennis Leary’s “I’m an Asshole” at my funeral… And fill my pockets with fireworks before you send me to the crematorium… I’ll go out with a bang…

All that’s left is to manifest a full calendar of work…

Booked to feature at the new Joke Factory in Rochester, NY December 20 & 21… I look forward to some much needed laughing with family and friends for the holidays…  

The triumphant return home of a prodigal son… My comedy once lost has now been found…

Eventually the old blogs and short stories may be edited into a book… But the important stories are the ones to come… The ones that will tell a love story… With the stage… The road and the people who encouraged me and helped me to find my comedy again… I travelled 2000 miles to meet them…

Wherever the comedy winds take me… They will travel in gratefulness with me in my heart… 

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