Friday, November 8, 2013

A Dog Tale...

Many years ago in a galaxy far, far away… Fall 1977 Rochester, NY…

As I sat with friends in the cafeteria of Monroe Community College I mentioned in passing that I was considering enlisting in the Navy… Someone I had never met… But sitting within ear shot of the conversation… Interrupted… Yes, it’s been many years… I remember only one detail of the ensuing conversation about his time in the service… “If you do… You will make friends that will last a lifetime.”
A few weeks later, I did enlist… And many years later it continues to be proven true…

This week I posted on FB that I needed a temporary home for my three dogs… That same day I received a FB message from a friend I haven’t seen since 1982, when I left the boat in San Diego…

We can marvel at the wonders of the Internet and FB making it easy to stay in touch… But even that is relatively new… A lot of years had passed between us before it was even possible…

I prefer to marvel at the generosity extended, when he and his wife offered to take my boys for me while I am on the road for the next two months… Now living in Port Orchard, WA with his wife and their 9 yr. old yellow lab… Who will be getting three wonderful playmates to share 2.5 acres of woods with… The boys will be happy and safe… I didn’t have to break them up to find them homes… I didn’t have to do the unthinkable and condemn them to death by dropping them at the shelter… There are a lot of wags left in those tails…

So next Thursday afternoon the boys and I will load up for a car ride to the coast… A 12 hr drive according to Google that will most likely take at least 15 with gas stops, pee breaks and most likely a nap in the car for me somewhere along the way… The adventure of life continues…

Thanks, Ted, for making this a happy tale…     

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