Sunday, October 26, 2014


So… A little background for those who don’t know… I realize most of you, my faithful readers, already know I finally escaped Idaho for good approximately two months ago… 

After spending a week in with a friend in Utah… I headed to Ventura, CA for the Ventura Comedy Competition and Festival… While here I have taken a security job at a local Marina… I’m back to working nights… But even though it’s from 2am to 6am everyday… Only 4hrs/day isn’t hard to take… The job itself is far from being mentally or physically challenging… Despite the long stretches on my feet sometimes...  

I hadn’t originally planned on still being here… But living and travelling in a 28ft RV with my three dogs has put a bit of a squeeze onto my travel budget…

Unfortunately, using the insurance money from the awning damaged in the Utah wind storm to correct some RV generator problems, hasn’t completely solved the generator problems and might have been better used as part of the travel to Las Vegas budget… So the originally planned follow up move to Las Vegas is currently on hold… And that’s OK…

There’s 2 good open mics in town… Monday and Tuesday nights… And I have an open invitation to another on Sunday nights in Santa Monica…

And it has given me time to think… Not always clearly, but learning to be quiet on the inside allows us to hear the answers the universe has for a lot of our questions…

Is the move to Las Vegas even the right one??? Would a move east be better??? There’s a lot of comedy work in the southeast… It would make it a lot easier to keep my calendar full… Would I be a better comic??? Of course… Regular work would facilitate that…

After finally taking my first step on stage in 2002, that I should have taken in my in my early 20’s or sooner… I wasted most of another 10yrs (the last 4 in the comedy Siberia of Southeast Idaho) in another shitty marriage to another drama addicted, shitty person who thought it was always all about her…

Complaining I was never home while trying to build a career as a road comic… I can only answer… I was gone all the time for the same reason I drank a half gallon of gin a week when I was home…

Hello… How are you at math??? Can you tell me the common denominator in the equation???

Maybe there’d have been less drama and she would have felt better about herself if she quit chewing so much food… Instead of trying to convince me her fat ass was just a Fig Newton of my imagination… OK, I’m done…

I haven’t said much about that and I won’t now… My new comedic character will though and he will endear himself to the audience at the same time… Yep… I can’t wait ‘til she sees me on HBO… The peace I feel having it over and done with is worth any price of hardship I am experiencing now…

Cesar Milan has nothing on me… I could easily be called The Bitch Whisperer… If she doesn’t like that, she should take my advice and unfollow my blog… I haven’t been able to figure out how to block that though I have managed to block the bitch from stalking me on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google+ and several other sites…

Enough about that… Let’s talk about what the possibilities my re-found freedom is giving me…

Well, the previously stated travel budget concerns make relocation to Vegas or the Southeast US, at least currently, a point not open for discussion… I’m in southern California and maybe, just maybe the Universe is telling me… I’m in the right place at the right time… Is it time for a real shot at stardom??? Am I too old for it??? Possibly… Especially if I go around thinking I am… So I won’t…

I have begun working with Steve North and I really feel it is going to make a world of difference in my career… Not as a comic… But as a comedian… Check out his website to understand the difference…

Working at night means long days at the beach with the boys… They love the water and it has really helped Riley rehab his arthritic knee and hip… I have a lot of time to exercise, swim, tan, write, work out new material and develop my new comedic character…

It’s also given me a chance to meet many locals who also hang out at the beach… It seems a lot of them… Especially the women, must have been hockey players* (for those for those who don’t get that… Stay tuned for the explanation at the end)…

I need 10 – 15 minutes of material ready for this Monday… 5 minutes or more on this Tuesday... Which may or may not be part of Monday’s 10-15… And 5 minutes for the first workshop with Steve North on Wednesday… I’ll be doing my first show with Steve on Thursday November 6th and performing at an “Industry Night” two weeks later on November 20th… A lot of exciting things close on the horizon…

Is the Universe telling me, I’m in the right place at the right time??? I’m choosing to think so… 

I have long since determined to believe I don’t need to kiss anyone’s ass to get their permission to be funny… Just so you know… Yes, Mike “Drama”… I mean you… 

Those who have helped and encouraged me will get their thanks just as they have in the past, in the present and in the future… Those who want me to kiss their ass… Will be invited to kiss mine… Yes, purging some negativity there…

I have a lot of work to do… But really feeling energized with possibilities…

Stay tuned for more updates… Now I need to write more jokes about the meth heads* I am meeting at the beach… 

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